Welcome ! Bienvenue ! Willkomen !

Les textes présentés ici sont issus de ma culture biologique. Quelques défauts et autres erreurs grammaticales, syntaxiques et/ou orthographiques peuvent, peut-être (sûrement), avoir subsisté ; que voulez-vous, les produits bio sont rarement parfaits mais n'en ont, paraît-il, que plus de saveur...


... et puis on se trouve les excuses qu'on peut.

Merci de votre indulgence.

And, for our English speaking friends, this way please : Jeffw's Inn

(Oh ! And this is a literary blog, by the way)

mercredi 7 octobre 2009


It was reduced to a pulp encrusted in the irregular asphalt of the road. In places, some tufts of blood matted hair were sticking out. It could have been a cat... or a large squirrel. Chris was far away from those considerations. He was three and busy poking it with a stick, cocking his head on one side.
- “Christopher, come here ! We're going to be late !”
Regretfully, he left his gruesome find and went to meet his mother in the driveway.

Once in the car, she tried to calm herself down. What would his father say ? Him and his new bimbo... It wasn't her fault if they were always late everywhere... She knew she could barely cope with the situation : her son, her job, the house, the mortgage, that useless ex of hers... She had already enough on her mind without his constant reproach and incessant criticism... And now, with the cat who disappeared...
- “I've seen Pooky”, said Chris absent-mindedly, out of the blue.
- “Oh ? Was he fine ?
- It didn't say...”
What a strange child, she thought.

3 commentaires:

  1. Oh, mais c'est que je l'ai bien compris ce texte malgré mon anglais défaillant! La concision et l'anglais te vont bien Jeff. J'ai apprécié l'ambiance de ce texte.

  2. "Curiosity kills the cat"... and you killed it ! Bad boy.
