Welcome ! Bienvenue ! Willkomen !

Les textes présentés ici sont issus de ma culture biologique. Quelques défauts et autres erreurs grammaticales, syntaxiques et/ou orthographiques peuvent, peut-être (sûrement), avoir subsisté ; que voulez-vous, les produits bio sont rarement parfaits mais n'en ont, paraît-il, que plus de saveur...


... et puis on se trouve les excuses qu'on peut.

Merci de votre indulgence.

And, for our English speaking friends, this way please : Jeffw's Inn

(Oh ! And this is a literary blog, by the way)

jeudi 3 décembre 2009

The Land of the tiny zombies

I was trapped.
The second I passed that door, I knew I was trapped.
Behind me, the combination lock resetted itself with the most definite 'click'.

In the violently bright coloured room, under the crude neon light, I lowered my eyes and... I saw them.
There were five or six of them, it was hard to tell. Some were walking and hobbling in that fashion made famous by the undead of the cinema, some crawling, dragging their bodies on the ground with their small claw like hands. All their eyes riveted on me, their arms outstretched to grab my legs. All moving, ever so slowly, moaning and dribbling, towards me.
I realised that my son was still clinging to me and... that he was one of them, ready to rip any trace of affection out of me.
I passed him to the lady standing there and I wondered.
I wondered if they reacted in the same way when a mum entered their kingdom... because, for a dad, the crèche was a very strange universe.

3 commentaires:

  1. funny & touching, your little story is funching.

  2. As I already said in my mail, I like this little story.
    It's touching, and très bien trouvé (ouais, bon, je manque parfois de vocabulaire...)

    Continue !

  3. Depuis que j'ai eu droit à la version française, je peux le dire : chouette petit morceau de texte.

    Je voulais ajouter aussi que ta verve* manque cruellement à notre horizon webien (au mien, du moins, mais y'en a peut être d'autres à qui ça fait des vacances)

    Bosse bien, épate les tous et à plus.

    non, rien, j'allais dire une connerie...
